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An open book, Image by Tim Wildsmith

Got Questions?

It's totally normal to want to know details when it comes to these things. Retreats are special, something to look forward to (almost like a holiday)! 


So, check out the list below to see if your burning questions are answered. If not, shoot me a message and I will be happy to answer them.

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Yep, we all have questions when it comes to these things. So lets see if I can give you the answers you need.

Red house on a hill, Image by Luke Stackpoole

Where do we stay for the Weekend?

We use houses that are set in lovely natural settings like beach or mountain locations that offer a lovely view, grounds to explore, or a beach nearby to walk on. 

Here's an example of one of one of the beach houses we use, and here is a country house we love for our larger groups.

Alternatively, we can also use campsites and the like when the need arises to host larger groups.

woman reading a book, iage by Sincerely Media

Why are the Weekend numbers capped?

For the best possible experience, most of our weekend retreats have numbers capped between 6-10 people. We want each person to have space to reflect in solitude without the space feeling crowded. This is especially important if we're limited to indoor spaces.

fresh vegetables, Image by Anna Pelzer

What food is on offer?

Food is important! You'll be provided with fresh, healthy meals to norish your body and soul. Scrummy snacks are always accessible should you get a munch attack! Dietry needs can be catered to as well.

Leah's style is a 'shared table', where dishes are placed at the centre and everyone eats what they like.

And the best part? You don't have to cook any of it!

woman holding mug in front of book_edite

What happens on the Weekend?

Each retreat is slightly different. That way, if you come to each one, you'll experience something new. Each retreat will focus on 2-3 particular disciplines. Some might lean more toward fasting, while others will be focused on scripture and prayer, some might be looking at worship in all its forms, while others may be looking at confession or celebration. There will be a mixture of guided sessions, facilitated meditation or lectio divina, bible studies, worship, nature immersion, walking, nourishing meals, prayer, sharing as a group, free time and more.

luggage, Image by Surya A

What should I bring?

Think comfort! 

You will be spending quite a bit of time sitting, walking, lounging and eating. No need for high fashion when you're scribbling in a notebook on the beach with the salty wind in your hair. So, comfortable clothes and footware, maybe a pillow if you love your own, bible, notebook, pens/pencils. If you're doing the Half-Day Retreat, a blanket is good too! 

a smiling woman with shoulder length blonde hair

Why come on a Retreat?

Here's the thing. Most of us are pretty good at doing things when we're accountable for them. Therefore, we are good at getting our work done or cooking dinner for our family. What we often struggle with, is following through on the things that are important for ourselves that no one else is going to hold us accountable to. Booking a retreat helps many people with that accountability. 

a group of happy people

Who can go?

The retreats are aimed at women & men of any age who know and love Jesus. There is something precious about multiple generations coming together for a common purpose - it enriches the time greatly.

Some retreats are for women only, so make sure you check the event to see who it's open to.

The idea behind the retreat, is to give you time and space to practice spiritual disciplines. So, there would be opportunities for prayer, worship, etc. 

a pink piggy bank, image by Fabian Blank

Why should I invest?

Whether you're a Ministry worker or not, investing in your relationship with Jesus is the number one priority. 

The trouble is, we don't normally spend our resources (be it time, money or energy) as if that were the case. Many times, we see it as spending the resource on ourselves, rather than seeing the long term implications of NOT caring for our spiritual rhythms. What happens to the church of the burnt-out pastor, to the NFP of the weary manager or the family of the overwhelmed mother? The flow-on effect of our choices can have serious ramifications. So the question you should be asking is: Why shouldn't I invest?

a bed with designer covers

How do shared rooms work?

We are fortunate to rent some beautiful properties for these retreats. However, most rentals are set up for families. Therefore there is often a combination of Queen beds, single beds and bunks in most properties. We would recommend coming with a friend to the Weekend Retreats - that way, you can share a room with someone you know. If you don't know anyone else, then we do our best to ensure your comfort with either a private room or a shared twin room.

a group of women, image by Joel Muniz

Can I bring my friends?


In fact, we think some retreats are even better if you bring a friend along. Not only can you share a room to help cut costs, but you are also given time to catch up without the distraction of work or kids around. 

Also, if you have a group of friends, ministry team or a small group that is 4-10 people in size, we can create a private retreat just for you!

a path to the beach and the ocean

Can I do more than one retreat per year?

YES! We recommend that you do at least two of the Weekend Retreats per year plus some of the Half-Day Retreats.

You don't need to do all of them with us, but some form of retreat every 2-3 months is essential.

Each retreat is slightly different so that if you choose to attend each one for the year, you will do something different each time you attend. 

a neon sign saying breath, image by Tim Goedhart

What if I am feeling 'blah' as a Christian right now?

I know this feeling. All people who love Jesus know this feeling. Stop reading, go and find a retreat you like and book it, NOW. The more you feel like not coming, the more you probably need it. Ask yourself, who wants you to feel alone, disconnected and unsure of who you are? 

Got the answer?

Do we want to give him what he wants? NOPE. 

We want to live. Really live. With joy, passion, love, empathy and connection to God and those around us. These retreats are "come as you are".

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